
lessons & love for little one

i made mon petit a playlist-- a collection of songs with words and feelings i want them to hear. listen here. & here's each song with accompanying intended message:

you only live once | the strokes
yolo, lil baby.

the police & the private | metric
be cautious and question all. i wish the systems that should protect you would, but they don't always.

day by day | brett dennen
live minute by minute.

also frightened | animal collective
i'm not perfect. i don't really know what i'm doing. sometimes i get scared. & you can get scared sometimes, too.

so here we are | bloc party
from the moment i knew you were coming into my life, i have gone to lengths to protect you, and i always will.

rainbowarriors | cocorosie
your mama isn't just awesome for obvyy reasons--i'm also awesome because i'm blessed with the queer light. whether you're queer or not, too, little one: we're warriors of light and justice and you got nothing to be ashamed of.

touch the sky | kanye west
little baby, when you're older, maybe i'll tell you more. i haven't lived the prettiest life but you must always find a way to touch the sky. i know you will!

the ghost of corporate future | regina spektor
always take off both your shoes, especially when they're wet! do what makes you happy, always.

believer | john maus
perhaps a good follow-up to the previous song. please remember that being silly and whimsical is beautiful and what keeps us alive. and what makes john maus money.

skinny love | bon iver
this one's a bit more emotional for me. it's not certain you'll make it. i get very scared from time to time. but i need you to last these nine months of hardship; make it to me. at the end of every day, from your home in my tummy to your home wherever you choose it to be, i'll carry your burdens with you.

i'll take us home | matt & kim
you always have a home, for as long as i am alive.

hip-hop | dead prez
hip-hop frees the soul. music frees the soul, and has the power to maybe remind you of your priorities (would you rather have a lexus, or justice?). also, white people suck.

float on | modest mouse
don't sweat the small stuff, little one. and find a way to laugh off the big stuff when you're done crying over it.

strawberry swing | coldplay
without you, it really is a waste of time.

college | animal collective
yoouuu dooonn't haaave tooo gooo tooo cooolleeeeege. (i didn't and never will.)

waking life | secret owl society
i have learned the difficult way that perception is everything. so learn it the easy way through this song, ok. <3

wake up | arcade fire
you really are the future, lil baby. rise to the occasion.

we might be dead by tomorrow | soko
morbid, maybe, but true, always. love fully and love loud.