

so much has happened since i've last updated! i'll inevitably forget to mention some things but i'll try to keep this short & sweet. & i'll try to be sequential buttttt idk.

so, i haven't been hospitalized for dehydration in a good minute. since late november, to be more accurate. that last hospitalization was a true nightmare & my body really endured hell (in addition to my collection of debt, now increased by $450), but it was in that process that i discovered meds that... gasp... WORK! it took time at first, probably for them to fully get in my system since their effects are cumulative, but i was prescribed phernergan for my hyperemesis & it has helped so, so, so much. i feel just about a million times better in relation to my nausea & vomiting. the meds are very strong & come with risk, however, so i have to limit my intake to three times daily. it doesn't cover every minute of my day but it covers way enough for me to be eating almost normally. it's a blessing i am infinitely thankful for. yey!

my boo surprised me with a visit on november 28, which was really wonderful & much needed. that weekend, i discovered that i was bleeding & rushed back to the hospital. that was probably the first time i've been legitimately worried about anything serious happening during this pregnancy. at the hospital, i discovered that i was also having contractions. i continued to have contractions for the night until they were silenced by some iv fluids. the bleeding came with no explanation but fortunately, stopped, & was not heavy enough to cause more concern. luckily, i went home after only a night. little one was good through it all. a few days later, i experienced a tremendous amount of pain in my pelvis & my doctor instructed me to go back to the ho$pital (my favorite place obviously). everything checked out fine, & the nurse there told me it was likely due to teo's weird positioning & the fact that he is so incredibly low... like, she could feel him inside me low. more than you wanted to know?

on december 17, my love moved down to miami for good after finishing up the semester at brown. he is my biggest, most beautiful sigh of relief & there are no words to accurately explain how needed he has been. we celebrated our anniversary with a surprise ring on my finger & an exchange of vows--something we've wanted & needed to do for a long, long time. & it was done exactly how i wanted it to be done: with just me & him, next to the sea, me looking cute (i told him a long time ago to make sure i looked cute, or else). but i digress.

biggest news probably: i made it to 26 weeks. another enormous sigh of relief. however, i have not been receiving my progesterone injections for about one month now due to insurance bullshit which STILL has not been resolved. it's been an endless game of he-said, she-said, they-said between the pharmacy, insurance company, & doctor's office. it's a bunch of bullshit & i continue to have contractions, my risk of pre-term labor increased greatly without the injections. i am pretty powerless in this matter & can only do what i can & hope for the rest.

my most recent routine doctor's visit (last wednesday) revealed via ultrasound that little love is a bit small for where he should be. my doctor explained it could be due to complications with the placenta & that he will be closely monitoring the situation. worst case scenario is that i have to deliver the babe early. right now, we don't know what the chances of that are, but i will be keeping a close watch on all with weekly ultrasounds.

i am still on bed rest, as i have been for the past 6 months, which is always pretty frustrating but is necessary--especially as the level of pain i experience on a regular basis increases as i grow & grow. my body is done & so am i. well, no, i guess my body is not done or else it would actually be done.

that was not short at all!

p.s. every time i've been in the hospital for contractions, i truly would have had no idea i was experiencing them were it not for the monitor i'm hooked up to... which makes me wonder 24/7 if i'm in labor & just don't know it...  but i figure i'll see a hand or something...