- chicken pot pie
- any wendy's commercial containing a pretzel bun
- acne-ridden or really dry skin
- nudity aside from my own
- men with oddly textured body hair
- sex (sorry, boo)
- body mods
- long nails
- my dogs licking their private parts
- meat (i'm a vegetarian but looking at meat has never bothered me so much)
- blood
- any body fluid
- acupuncture
- shower curtains
- showers :((((
weird things whose sight suddenly makes me seriously nauseous
there are few things i can eat that don't make yak. i have found that many other things give me that lovely sensation just upon sight. here's a continually growing list of things (aside from completely obviously gross stuff) that pregnancy has ruined for me... all i have to do is look or think about it to feel like shit. since i'm confined to bed rest, most of the stuff i see is through tv commercials. it's a sad life, man. (disclaimer: i cannot control what i'm repulsed by, sorry if some of this sucks.)